I’m dreaming of a white Christmas

The Eifel in winter

The snow is back! Whenever I see the Nordschleife covered by a fresh white blanket a couple of thoughts come to mind. The first is this YouTube clip which has to be one of the best motoring videos around.

The other is a story of a chap who went to the Ring on Christmas last year figuring the snow would ensure the track was closed. From memory he had a 120 minute drive to get to the Touristfahrten gates and, to his surprise, when he arrived the snow wasn’t too bad and the track was open. It gets better. There was virtually nobody else there. The dream of an empty Nordschleife can come true!

To rub it in, this guy went back on Boxing Day for the same result. A clear open track to enjoy. That really would be all your Christmases coming at once!