Save the Ring releases logo into public domain
It’s a bit over six weeks now since the Save the Ring website was launched, and if you’ve been following the story, you don’t really need to be reminded of why the movement began.
The question remains, though, has this increasing melodrama between the alleged money hungry and supposedly incompetent Nürburgring GmbH vs the quaint just-keep-it-the-way-it-was believers lost a bit of perspective? Is it really that bad, or are we currently going through a teething process while a happy medium between new corporate management and old family run businesses is found?
One thing is certain, the Save the Ring movement is winning the public relations battle. The STR Facebook page is approaching 50,000 supporters. While the STR petition, launched on New Year’s Day, has attracted in excess of 17,500 electronic signatures.
To further spread the message, Save the Ring logo has released its logo into the public domain. Check out STR website for details.
In the meantime we’d love to hear your views in the comments section below. For the most part the commentary has been one-sided, with only moderate calls for calm from Pistonheads and Bridge to Gantry.