“They can’t hide any more”

Sabine Schmitz supporting Save the Ring rally

A quick update on the “Stop the sale of the Nürburgring!” rally which earlier this week took the fight to the politicians in Mainz, the Rhineland-Palatinate state capital. Once again we rely on Bridge to Gantry for reliable word, so make sure you follow the source link below for more.

Speaking to Bridge to Gantry, Mike Frison, Save the Ring campaigner said:

“It was new to see so many different, but great people united. Petrolheads every single one of them, in love with the Nordschleife and ready to fight for it! Race cars, trucks, ring tools—something Mainz has never seen before. And the politicians were a bit puzzled. But now they know people stand up and they can’t hide anymore.”

Yet, the crux and irony of the woes facing the Nürburgring are perfectly summed up here, in wanting to recover as much of the money as possible from the failed NüroDisney project the only saleable asset of any note is the tracks, as Frison explained:

“It needs to be stopped and the lawyers of ‘Ja zum Nürburgring’ are convinced there are possibilities. Only problem is the Government has other plans, as they want to raise money for their debts of the Leisure Park failure and only the tracks have a significant value for a potential buyer.”

As well as Save the Ring, you can also follow the activities of Ja zum Nürburgring [Say yes to the Nürburgring], both are continuing the fight to try and keep the Nordschleife safe from the potential over-exploitation of private ownership.

[Source: Bridge to Gantry]