2016 Nurburgring 24 hour: LIVE STREAMING
The Nürburgring 24 Hour race starts tonight at 11:30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, which means the race will finish at 11:30pm on Sunday night. Yeah, around about the same time as the Monaco Grand Prix (go Daniel!).
For the first time in many years I won’t be providing regular updates on the progress of the Aussie and Kiwi entrants here at AUSringers.com, but if and when I can, I hope to do so via twitter.
The two most crucial links you need to know are listed below. The main stream for the race is embedded above, but if you follow the link to the official Nürburgring website listed below you can choose from a number of live streams from onboard cameras. Now that’s a pretty cool idea!
2016 Nürburgring 24 Hour race – Key links
LIVE STREAM -> nri.ng/24hlive
LIVE AUDIO -> Radio Le Mans (English commentary)
GENERAL INFO -> 2016 Nürburging 24 hour race