The Honda Civic Type R has broken Renault’s strangehold on the unofficial lap record for a front-wheel drive car around the Nürburgring. This video shows a development Type R lapping the Ring in 7 minutes 50.63 seconds. Interestingly, the claim was recorded in May 2014, around the same time as Renault took the record back […]
Before I went to the Nürburgring I remember watching videos and thinking the downhill run into Fuchsröhre, and its subsequent climb towards Adenauer Forst, would easily be my favourite section of the Nordschleife. However, when I was faced with that stretch of tarmac for the first time I was not prepared for the narrowness of the […]
Here’s a couple of videos showing what happens when you overestimate the ability of both yourself and your car when putting down a lap at the Nürburgring. You’ll see a Honda CR-V going through Eiskurve just a little too hot. Wet or dry, this section of the track is slippery. If you get it wrong […]
At the Detroit Motor Show this year Honda announced it would be making an all-new NSX and provided a stunning concept car to prove it. In this video, which runs for 7 minutes 46 seconds (a tidy Nordschleife lap), Honda relives the glory days of the NSX, including ample period footage of the original model […]
It’s been a while since we’ve had a good bridge-to-gantry clip on AUSringers and this one, featuring a DC2 Honda Integra Type R, is a ripper to break the drought. The Teggy Type R is a classic front driver, capable of things many didn’t think were possible until it was made. Now, as this clip […]
Format67 bring us this remarkable short film. It features a Honda NSX moving through the streets of Frankfurt en route to its ultimate destination—the ultimate destination—the Nürburgring Nordschleife. The credits at the end of the film say it was inspired by Ayrton Senna. Throughout the clip the following quotes from Senna are featured: “The main […]
I hope you enjoy this old article about the 1997 Nürburgring 24 hour race. It was written by Australian journalist Peter McKay for Wheels magazine. McKay teamed up with Andreas Rottstedt, Andreas Reichmann and, fellow Australian, Chris Smith to tackle the Green Hell behind the wheel of an EK Honda Civic VTEC. After following the […]